June 25, 2010

Christian Doctrines Chapter 6 - The Personality and Deity of the Holy Spirit

We’ve just learned about the Deity of Christ, which could be the most important of all Christian doctrines. We’ve also learned that when established by conclusive proofs, the doctrine of the Trinity is usually accepted without hesitation. The personality and divinity of the Holy Spirit has been established in part already in learning these things. Because of that, this is a shorter chapter. But even though it is short in length, this doctrine is still very important. We can divide this teaching into two parts: The personality of the Holy Spirit, and the deity (divinity) of the Holy Spirit.

When we talk about the personality of the Holy Spirit, we are acknowledging that the Holy Spirit is a person; not a mere energy or influence like some heretical religions believe, but an intelligent person. We can back this up by considering what Jesus says.
John 14:16, 26.
The comforter being promised is the Holy Spirit. Being described as one who administers comfort, this clearly suggests the existence of a personality. The Holy Spirit is said to teach. The office of teacher also clearly suggests personality. When it is said “He will teach you all things”, it is virtually declared that the Holy Spirit is a person.

Consider the Baptismal commission: Churches are given authority to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit. “In the name” usually means “by authority of”. If this is the meaning here, the authority of the Holy Spirit is equal to the Father’s & the Son’s. In this case, the Holy Spirit must be a person. But alas, this is not the meaning here of “In the name” in this commission. Baptism is administered by authority of the Son, but “into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” This declares an avowal of allegiance, and consecration to the three persons of the Godhead. There is a profession of fellowship with God in his threefold unity. The personality of the Holy Spirit is clearly implied.

Certain religions claim that the Holy Spirit is simply God’s "active force". It would be absurd to mention an energy or an influence along with the names ‘Father & Son’ in the ordinance of Baptism. Simply saying “in the name of the Father and Son” implies that an ‘active force’ is invoked. If there were no force or power necessary for the task at hand (baptism), their names would not be invoked. The Holy Spirit is mentioned as well as the Father and the Son. Why is this? It is because the Holy Spirit has equal personality with the Father & Son.

To confirm the personality of the Holy Spirit, one must simply acknowledge that the Holy Spirit does only what one with a personality can do. Study the following verses:
John 15:26, 16:14
Romans 8:28
1 Corinthians 12:11
Ephesians 4:30
It is learned from these verses that the Holy Spirit: testifies of Christ, glorifies Christ, makes intercession for the saints, distributes gifts as he will, and seals unto the day of redemption. These acts are all personal acts. It requires the place of a person to testify, to glorify, to intercede, to will, and to seal arrangements. We can be morally certain that the Holy Spirit is a person.

The personality of the Holy Spirit is no more obvious than the divinity of the Holy Spirit. We have some facts to prove the claim: He is called God, He is divinely perfect, He performs divine operations, and there is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Let’s look closer at each one of these truths, and how they each prove the divinity of the Holy Spirit.

First, the Holy Spirit is called God.
Acts 5:3-4
It is plainly taught here that to lie to the Holy Spirit is to lie to God. Why is this? Because the Holy Spirit is God! The charge which Peter interrogatively makes is that Ananias has lied to the Holy Spirit. To show the greatness of his sin, he says he is lying to God.
1 Corinthians 3:16
The temple at Jerusalem was God’s House, and he was said to dwell there. Availing himself of this form of speech, Paul told the members of the Corinthian Church that they themselves, the members of the Church, were the temple of God.
1 Corinthians 6:19
We now have the expressions “Temple of God” and “Temple of the Holy Ghost” applied to the same church. If a church or an individual is the temple of God & the temple of the Holy Spirit, it must only be because the HS is God.

Second, the Holy Spirit is divinely perfect. This was first discussed when we learned about the being of God. If these perfections, when ascribed to Christ, prove Christ’s deity, then when ascribed to the Holy Spirit, they prove the Holy Spirit’s deity. Divine perfections can only belong to the divine. The Holy Spirit is represented as eternal, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Consider the following scriptures:
Hebrews 9:14
1 Corinthians 2:10
Psalm 139:7
1 Peter 3:18
Romans 8:11
As these attributes belong inalienably to God, and as they are here ascribed to the Holy Spirit, the conclusion is irresistible that the Holy Spirit is God.

Third, divine operations are attributed to the Holy Spirit. The most prominent of these operations are connected with creation, and the working of miracles.
Genesis 1:2
Order and beauty were brought out of chaotic darkness by the Holy Spirit.
Job 26:13
These two passages sufficiently show the Holy Spirit’s connection to creation and, by consequence, prove his deity. As to miracles, consider the following scriptures:
Matthew 12:28
1 Corinthians 12:8-10
A miracle is a supernatural work. They are a work which no created being can perform. The laws of nature have been established by God, and God alone can suspend them. They are outside of man’s sphere of influence, but within only God’s. As a miracle is a suspension of the laws of nature, the Holy Spirit in working miracles justifies his claim to divinity.

Lastly, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit gives conclusive proof of his deity.
Mark 3:28-30
Blaspheming against the Holy Spirit is denying the tugging of the heart by the Holy Spirit letting you know of your conviction. By becoming ‘stiff-necked’ and ‘hard-hearted’ against the conviction, you are denying that you are lost, and have no chance for salvation. It is the Holy Spirit which convicts, and denying the conviction is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. It is only common sense that this would be the only unforgivable sin. We all commit this sin up to a certain point, but at the point where we listen to and acknowledge the conviction of the Holy Spirit, all the ‘lesser’ sins (which is ALL other sins) will be forgiven when we’re saved! In simple terms: you can’t get saved if you don’t believe in the Holy Spirit. It is the only unforgivable sin, because if you don’t believe in the Holy Spirit, then the rest of your sins cant be forgiven either. But if you do believe in the Holy Spirit, then you can get saved. All your sins will be cast into the “Sea of Forgetfulness”. It is only plain here that this conclusively proves the divinity of the Holy Spirit. Those of us who are saved know it. If the Holy Spirit is not divine, then we cannot explain why a sin committed against him cannot be forgiven. The uniqueness of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is inseparable from the deity of the Holy Spirit.

In conclusion, we will consider His name, the ‘Holy Spirit’. He is also called the comforter, but only when in reference to one of his traits. Some people who like to vainly scrutinize will ask “Why is he called the ‘Holy’ Spirit, while God isn’t the ‘Holy’ Father and Jesus isn’t the ‘Holy’ Son?” To correct this misunderstanding, we may answer thus: As in the Godhead there is an equality of nature, there must also be an equality in holiness. The holiness is infinite. Infinity has no degrees. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are equally and perfectly holy. Furthermore, The Holy Spirit is called the ‘Holy’ Spirit because it is his office to make holy. It is his work to deposit the germ of holiness in the sinful heart of mankind. There is no holiness in any human heart until the Holy Spirit produces it. That germ of holiness implanted in regeneration is developed and edified in sanctification, which is, equally with regeneration, also the work of the HS. The third person in the Godhead is called the ‘Holy Spirit’ because he renovates the soul, purifies it, and prepares it for heaven.

April 16, 2010

Trying to start the bike...

Well I got the bike put back together, but am having some trouble getting it to run. Hopefully someone out there with more experience with bikes can hear something in these clips that I can't. The easiest thing I can think of is to replace the spark plugs, which I'm pretty sure are original (1986)...

first attempt:

second attempt:

third attempt:

fourth/fifth attempts:

so, any ideas?!

March 24, 2010

Tiling the upstairs bathroom's floor

This last project was definitely a learning experience, but it was a complete success! The only regret I have about the whole process is that I didn't take a photo of the floor the way we'd been suffering with it for the past year, so you can see just how necessary this project was! As you read in my post titled "The lesson I'll never forget", I ripped up half of the original tile floor to get to the plumbing beneath, and it had since then been half tile (we left the tiles down where the toilet was) and half bare plywood with towels laid down for protection from splinters. We actually lucked out with the original tiles being so easy to rip up. Whoever installed them didn't stick the sub-floor down with mortar. If they had, I would have needed a jackhammer to get down to bare plywood. more on this later...

Over the last year I've been slowly gathering the necessary supplies to get this project done - a tool here, some thin-set mortar there - a month at a time. I had finally finished checking everything off my shopping list and got right to work. There were a few things that came up I didn't know I'd need, but that's normal for me!

#1: Get the cement-board sub-floor to fit

If you imagine the grey subfloor pictured here as white tiles, then that's pretty much what the floor was like for a while. This room was small enough that I just needed two 4x6 sheets of cement board. It took a little time, but we got all the little angles and holes cut out and the pieces fit perfectly.

Here's the second half of the subfloor installed. Each piece of cement-board is laid down on a good layer of thin-set mortar, then screwed down into the plywood floor with special cement-board screws. I made sure the factory edge was the edge that went in the middle of the room, a hint given free-of-charge from the greatest uncle-in-law ever!

#2: lay down a good chalk line and start from the center

After trying figuring out the trigonometry of the bathroom's floor to formulate where I should have the center be, I quickly gave up when I noticed that not a single wall was 90 degrees to any other wall. I figured I'd go parallel with the mirror-side wall, since it's the 'main' wall. Once you've got your grid laid out, if any edge of the floor has less than half a tile-width, just move the grid away from that wall half a tile's width in distance. There's no way I can illustrate this properly, so here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zoMABNoVHU

As you're laying the tiles, if ANY thin-set mortar gets on the tile, wipe it off with a damp sponge immediately. It won't set up too fast or anything, but it's easy to just keep going and forget, then you really need to work to get it off the tile.

There! That's the first 'quadrant' of the room done! (it was the first one I did because it was the only one that didn't require any 'fancy cuts'. Doesn't it look GOOD?!!

Working my way into the room toward where the toilet sits, each remaining tile to be laid into this corner here will need a cut that takes more than just a 'tile snapper' which can make straight cuts only. I was going to start tackling 'L' shaped cuts and notched cuts.

Fortunately, where there's a will there's wiggle-room. At this point I still didn't have any tool for cutting a circle-shape, so I figured out how much of the floor the toilet will cover up, and for those areas I decided to be a little more lenient on the quality of cut I made.

I got every single tile down! -except for the ones that needed 'fancy cuts'. Those are next.

#3: Fancy Cuts

The tool I'd been using to snap the tiles in two was only able to make one straight cut along the entire length of the tile. To make an 'L' shaped cut, this tool is useless. To take a notch out of the side of a tile, it was more than useless.

I tried a 3/4" masonry drill bit so I could then go in from there with a special 'rod saw' blade made for tiles. The drill bit dug a little dimple into the surface of the tile, then the heat split the tile in half.

I tried a masonry jig-saw blade in my electric jig-saw. The blade started burning - literally turning black and red hot, then about half way up the second cut, heat split the tile.

I tried using the rod saw, and I would still be sawing away at it and be about 1/4" through. This reminded me of someone digging out of jail with a teaspoon.

I took all these tools back for store credit, and spent less on a wet saw. Yeah! Got the job done in seconds!

Power tools: sooooo refreshing! Here's all the 'fancy cuts' the room would need. In my right hand (stage left) on top is an 'L' shaped cut for the corner of the room with the inverted corner (to the left of the vanity). Under that is the cute little notch I made to allow for the toilet's water pipe. In my left hand (stage right), are the two tiles that would go around the air duct.

This is how the notches are made. Just a bunch of parallel cuts, then the little pieces just tap right out! Thanks to the wife for this action-packed shot.

And here's the floor with the tiles completed, all stuck down firmly into the thin-set mortar. Time for the next step...

#4: Grouting

After letting the thin-set mortar completely dry for about two days, and having made sure there is NO thin-set mortar drying ON the tiles, we are now ready to go in and grout. Grout is not only a noun, it's also a verb. I grouted the room with grout. If it were also the name of a location, then "Grout Grout grout." would be a complete sentence.

It looks messy but there's honestly no other way to make sure you've spread it in deeply enough to completely fill the valley between tiles. It's better to use a little extra grout and be sure. Plus, if the wife walks by and sees just how messy it is, it'll look EVEN BETTER when you're done!

Every 45 minutes to an hour, I'd have to come back in to sponge off the tiles to remove a little more grout. It was a balancing act between slowly getting the tiles clean, and not getting the grout lines too wet (this would over-saturate the cement in the grout mixture and the grout would dry crumbly), so I did this about 4 times over the remainder of the day.

Almost done here, there was just a little grout haze left on the tiles each time it dried up.

The grouting has all been wiped off the tiles, and is now going to cure for the next two days.

#4: Finishing touches

Reinstalled the threshold.

Installed wood trim around the floor, AND the toilet is back!

The best finishing touch: my new toilet handle!

After all this was done, I put down a bead of caulking along the bathtub edge of the floor, and it is now in tip-top working order. Next, is to replace the cruddy-looking shower surround. Maybe I'll tile it...

March 4, 2010

The Clubhouse

We've got a nice, calm 1/4 acre back yard, fenced in. It's the perfect amount of space. Enough room for the kids to really tire themselves out, and not too much grass to mow.

The coolest thing about the back yard is the shed with a clubhouse on it. The previous owner had a shed, and then he built a clubhouse on top of it, and added boardwalks going around it and leading to a slide. There was originally just the handrails with no balusters, so if a 2 or 3 year old were up there, there’s a good chance of them falling through, under the handrail, and dropping about 8 feet to the ground. I went to the lumber store and priced around for the 1x1’s or 1x2’s I’d need, and it came out to be a little more than I had on hand, plus I’d need nails, a workbench, a circular saw, etc… remember this is my first house, EVERYTHING is a clean slate here, including my tool collection!

Here's how the clubhouse/shed was originally. The steps would swivel from toe to heel, the paint was cheap and peeling, but the lumber used was good, the roof is well made, and the slide is new! See the open gaps under the hand rails? Not very good for my kids then ages 2 and 5.

Economizing is key, every step of the way. I went to work finding out the most affordable (or even free) ways I could accomplish this goal. I was at work, walking outside (it’s what I do during the warmer months to get my brain awake and burn off some of the junk I shouldn’t be eating), and saw a bunch of wooden palettes stacked up. I thought “hmm… free lumber!” My boss said I could take a few if I wanted, but they recycle them and get some of a deposit back on them, so I couldn’t take very many. I think at the time I somehow figured I needed about 15 palettes to harvest enough wood to make balusters for the entire length of handrails around the clubhouse. My wife’s grandpa heard I was looking for free palettes, and the very next day I had all that I needed, and then enough for many bonfires afterwards!

The free time I had for the next few days was spent getting familiar with my new wonderbar (like a crowbar but flat), my wife’s uncle’s hand club hammer (a mini sledge hammer), my work gloves, and a simple hammer for pulling out the nails from the pieces of wood after they were separated. 3 or so days of work later, I had the wood set aside and ready for use.

All this free lumber from 15 or so free palettes and only three days of hard work. It came up with a nice variety of plank sizes & thicknesses.

To save money on tools, my dad gave me his work bench, and my wife’s uncle let me borrow his circular saw. Once all the pieces were cut to length, I took them down to the clubhouse and went to work hammering them in place, using a 4” block of wood for spacing, and my new level to make sure they were perfectly vertical. The 'yield' I got from the palettes was half 4" wide, and half were 6" wide, and some were 2x4's... So I decided to put the balusters up in a wide-narrow-wide-narrow pattern, and saved the 2x4's for other important things...

Just one of the "more important things" I used some of the 2x4's for...

There was originally a fireman’s pole on one side of the front, but I removed this and covered the side up with balusters. Maybe when my kids are old enough for it I’ll put it back on… For now, it looks like the pole might make a pretty awesome tether-ball pole...

The clubhouse now with balusters! And the steps are now reinforced.

Now the fireman pole is gone and the hole filled in with balusters,
...and there's a very young mastiff pup named Lola come to see!

My son was now able to relax and have a good old time up in the clubhouse without my wife or me worrying about him falling through.

Of course once I got the balusters up, I still wasn’t quite happy with the overall “look” of the clubhouse. I went out and bought some medium dark brown paint and spent the next several evenings painting. As I was in between painting sessions, I splurged and bought a little disc swing for underneath the boardwalk, a plastic toy steering wheel to go where the fireman’s pole once was, reinforced the flimsy steps, and there was still… something… missing…

SWINGS! I researched for a couple days on how to build a swing set: make an a-frame using one long horizontal 4x6 beam and make diagonal legs using 4x4 posts, and hold the 4x4’s together with a horizontal 2x6 plank on each end. Simple! …But I wanted my a-frame to come off from the clubhouse’s post, becoming part of the building, instead of just building a separate a-frame swing set. I mean, ‘anybody’ can do ‘that’. So I went to Lowe’s with my Uncle-In-Law (he might as well be a professional lumberjack, we’ll say that much!) and got all the metal brackets I could find that looked like what I needed to fix the wooden posts together, got a bunch of strong wood-screws, all the lumber I needed, a couple swings, a trapeze, and all the hardware for them that I needed, 4” and 6” bolts and nuts and a new drill bit (a spade drill bit) to drill through 6” of wood.

My U-I-L helped me get the a-frame put together, and the installing process went a LOT smoother and easier than either one of us expected. When we finished, I remember us saying to each other “Man, that was easy! Did we do it right?!” The hardest part was getting the huge frame up in place. It was basically a HUGE letter A (except without the horizontal support plank yet), with a 10 foot long 4x6 beam coming out perpendicularly from its peak. We had it sit on it’s end, legs down, one of us got up in the clubhouse, and the other had to lift the frame up onto its feet, trusting that the main joint would hold while the to-be horizontal 4x6 post headed towards the person in the clubhouse with his arms reaching toward it! Fortunately it worked. I think it was my U-I-L who was up in the clubhouse, he held the beam in place while I climbed the step ladder and screwed about 18 wood screws into it and the clubhouse's post through metal brackets. The only thing I didn’t factor in was how far the feet would sink into the ground. The 4x6 started out perfectly horizontal, but now the a-frame end is probably 2 or 3 inches lower. Eh… win some lose some.

The swing set is installed and holds two adults and a kid on the trapeeze. I know it does. The first thing my U-I-L and I did once it was installed was to test it to make sure it was safe for the little kids. Now I could finish painting!

Once the swings were installed I could paint the rest of the clubhouse while the kids were enjoying their new swings. Before I knew it, though, the warm weather receded and now I just have to wait for spring to paint the a-frame of the swing set addition.

Almost done. I'm thinking the 2 feet of extra overhang could be used for a climbing rope or something......

Next on the list: the upstairs bathroom tile floor...?

March 3, 2010

The Lesson I’ll never forget

We made the purchase of the house and got the keys, and we had our apartment for a couple months still. The wife and I used this time to our advantage for painting the kids’ rooms and other things that were SO much easier without furniture in our way. My daughter’s room, once peach-orange, is now pepto-bismol-pink. My son’s room, once painted with the local school’s color theme, including black, is now, with the help of three coats of thick high-quality primer, Wedgewood blue. I replaced most of the curtain rods, I took down old ugly light fixtures and replaced them with new ones, same with the ceiling fans (the one above the master bed was installed incorrectly, and the electric work on these fixtures around the house was sloppy at best).

One particular thing I wanted to fix in this period of time before we moved in was the upstairs bathroom’s cold water flow. Or lack of. The hot water would flow nice and fast, but the cold water was just a trickle. To draw a bath to a good temp, it would take probably close to 3 or 4 hours, and a shower was pretty much completely out of the question. The toilet, also connected to the cold water supply for this bathroom, would take around half an hour to fill after flushing. The previous owner (PO) had lived with it this way since they renovated the room, 4 to 6 years before we moved in. How? I haven’t the slightest. There is a makeshift shower in the basement, which I had to use once before fixing the upstairs bathroom, and I couldn’t imagine having to use it once more, let alone obligating my wife to! 4 to 6 years with low-pressure cold water in the upstairs bathroom, affecting the shower/bath, sink, and toilet. That’s the 1 in the 1.5 baths in this house! We figured after checking out how the water travels through the house that this being the last room in the house that the water reaches, there had to be a clog in the cold water pipe somewhere between the upstairs bathroom, and the first-floor bathroom just below it. This sort of problem could be caused by someone striking a copper pipe with a hammer while putting up the walls and squashing it closed, or at a weld point some of the soldering metal might build up inside the pipe while it’s melting, creating a clog undetectable from the outside of the pipe, or a similar problem with glue if they’d married the copper pipe to a PVC pipe. So we had to get in there and see what was going on with the cold water pipe. The process went this way: Step one was to remove the bathroom sink vanity cabinet to gain access to the floor. This is MUCH easier to type than it was to accomplish. The PO apparently had a very unhealthy relationship with caulking. The vanity countertop was not only held down by bolts, but it had been sealed in like fort knox with white caulking! With old houses, there are no ‘true’ 90 degree corners. This is ok if you bear it in mind while installing corner-hugging cabinetry, but this vanity’s countertop had true 90 degree corners. The PO had made up for it’s lack of fit by filling in the gaps (up to 1/2” gaps) with caulking! So I spent a good several hours working on removing the caulking, nearly slicing my hand open several times in the process. Once we got the countertop removed (after disconnecting the sink & faucets – I’m learning!), step two was to neatly disassemble the structure that held the drawers in place. With that removed, and wrestled up into the attic for short-term storage, we were down to bare floor with a drain and the water pipes sticking out. The base flooring was jig-sawed just enough to let the pipes through, and now step three, we had to remove the wood from around the pipes. So the world’s best Uncle-in-Law and I took to tearing the floor apart, looking to see if we could figure out where the problem was. The plan was to cut a rectangular panel out so we could inspect the pipes beneath the floor, solve the problem, and then place the piece of wood back down in its place. Oh if only it had been this easy! It became evident that this was not going to be an option when we discovered that the floor was diagonally laid 2x6 planks (‘true’ 2” x 6” planks), made of wood that could pass for hardened steel. My U-I-L and I jig-sawed our way though the planks around the pipes to see if maybe (hopefully) the problem could be detected at that spot; maybe one of the joints that ran the pipes up into the sink was faulty? Unfortunately there was no eureka moment at this stage. The rest of the bathroom floor had had ceramic tiles laid down (ugly UGLY tiles, but a job well done), and the sub-floor there was regular old plywood. I called down to my wife,
“Hey sweetie, you don’t like these ceramic tiles in here do you?”
“NO! They’re ugly!”
“So I’m going to be eventually replacing them with new tiles right?”
“I guess, yeah!”
I looked at my U-I-L and said “grab a crowbar and a hammer, we’re stripping this floor!”
OK, ok, so maybe we deliberated a little longer than that, I think we thought it over for a day or so. My U-I-L and I walked through the house, and we were determined that the problem area in the cold water pipe HAD to be somewhere in the upstairs bathroom floor as it forked out to go to the toilet and sink as it’s straightest path went towards the shower. This was the first and last junction where there was any problem. This HAD to be it. I chipped off the first floor tile, then got to about half-way to the shower, then worked my way over towards the toilet. We took turns, the U-I-L and I, and we cleared the floor of tiles and cement baseboard down to bare plywood all the way across the floor from the vanity, alongside the shower, up to the last few feet where the toilet is. I figured we’d leave the toilet in place for the time being. Pri-or-it-ies.

At this point, my wife and I had been in the final stages of vacating the apartment, moving into the house. My wife needed my help loading the U-Haul truck and I had to leave. My U-I-L said if I was OK with it, he could stay at the house while I went and cleaned out the apartment, and he could cut through the floor and open up a panel while I was gone. I was baffled that he was asking permission to do me a HUGE favor, and sputtered back at him “Yeah, that’d be ok!” Fast forward about an hour or so, I got a phone call from him:
“Hi, I got the floor up, I can see the pipes where they split, I’m going to go turn off the water and cut into it, I just wanted to make sure you were ok with that before I started cutting.”
“Yeah, that’s fine, thanks very much!”
So I hung up and started packing more stuff from the apartment into the U-Haul truck. Fast forward less than 5 minutes, I got another phone call from him:
(long pause)
“Hi, uh…”
“Hi there! How’s it all going?”
“Umm… well I’ve got some really good news, and then I’ve got some really really really bad news.”
“Well, you see… the good news is I got your cold water running perfect.”
“WOW! That’s great! Thank you!!”
“And well the bad news, we just tore up the floor in your bathroom for no reason at all.”
“I went to close the water valve to shut off the water before I cut any pipes open, and the valve knob turned about a quarter turn then stopped closed.”
“the main cold water valve in the basement that feeds the whole house was barely open all this time. That’s why the water was low on pressure.”
“b..b…but… the rest of the rooms in the house have good water flow…?”
“it was open up enough to have good pressure up to the ground floor, but the pressure wasn’t enough to make it all the way upstairs.”
“Oh, no! So we just… for no reason…”

At this point my wife was in absolute hysterics, laughing herself into a fit that took her to the floor. I think they call this 'ROFL'. I was chuckling because for one thing I didn’t know what else to do… I was going to rip the floor up eventually anyway, those floor tiles were so horrible we couldn’t stand them, but the replacing process had sort of been pushed into effect now. The other reason I was laughing, and not getting all red-faced and furious about the waste of my time and resources, was because I was thinking about the PO living with this for the last 4 to 6 years!!! The lesson I learned here is if I EVER have ANY water pressure issues, ALWAYS check the valves FIRST and FOREMOST! Lesson learned.

At least I thought to leave the toilet in place!

Turning a House into a Home

In early 2009, I moved my family into a beautiful 1940's brick house. There's 3 bedrooms (actually more like 2 bedrooms and an office with a bed in it...), 1.5 baths (I refused to even consider any houses with ONE bathroom… You know, the wife and a 6 year old girl who’s just going to be spending more and more time in there… maybe I should have got a house with 2+ baths…?! We’ll see. There's a nice large living room, a glassed-in sun room / patio in the back yard, a front porch (complete now with rocking chair) with a porch swing (generously left behind), and -oh, yeah- there's a cinema in the basement! In the biggest room in the basement, the previous owner (PO) had painted a whole wall white, put up red curtains around it, and on the other end of the room is a digital projector hooked up to a surround sound receiver with speakers. All this was left behind when we moved in! All I added was my dvd player and voila! Instant cinema! He'd even left a futon on the small stage at the back of the room beneath the projector!

So far pretty much EVERYTHING I’m doing is a first for me. I got some experience helping/watching my dad finish a couple basements (lumber frame & dry wall), and helped my pastor demolish & restore the interior of the parsonage (a bunch of general household work & painting), so I’ve got a little idea on how to do things, and enough sense to know when I need to consult with Youtube, friends and relatives for advice. As far as my tool collection goes, it’s growing at a nice affordable pace, and when I’ve needed more sophisticated (expensive) tools like circular saws or the such, I’ve got with relatives & friends who have them and are willing to let me borrow theirs for the brief amount of time I need them. As convenient as this is, however, this just doesn’t stop me from wanting my own big tools… It’s a guy thing. You never know, what if I need to cut some lumber to length at 3am? You JUST NEVER know!

One quirk I’ve realized about this house is the interior walls. I’m used to drywall. My parents’ houses were all 2x4 frames covered over with drywall. This house is the same, except they’ve added a 3/4” thick layer of a VERY coarse sort of drywall-cementboardy-crumbly stuff. Because of this, drilling any holes has been VERY difficult! The drill bit sometimes travels sideways about 1/8” before it really digs in, making plotting the holes VERY challenging, especially when it’s for something I want to end up level! So far, however, a combination of brute strength, fast learning and determination have helped me succeed.

The projects I’ve faced & successfully completed so far are:
- painting the kids bedrooms,
- putting together NUMEROUS pieces of Ikea & Target brand furniture
(hutches, medicine cabinets, tables & chairs),
- replacing most interior door knobs, curtains & curtain rods,
- renovating the outdoor clubhouse,
- painting and renovating the upstairs bathroom (floor is in-progress),
- replace old ugly lights and ceiling fans with new lights and ceiling fans,
- install smoke detectors throughout the house
(the PO had one at the top of the basement stairs [with no battery],
and one at the base of the main staircase, and that’s all)
- and MANY variable jobs like using a wood chisel to get a door to close without sticking, or building up a door hinge with pieces of plastic so the latch engages the latch-hole… things like that.
- And there was one project that taught me a lesson I won’t ever forget…

more on this later, in a blog post all to itself...

The projects I’m looking at doing some time soon are: (as I complete these jobs in the future I'll come back to this paragraph and make links to posts about the job getting done. If the job is not a link, it has not been done yet!)
- finish the tile floor in the upstairs bathroom,
- make a hollow stand for the downstairs bathroom vanity,
- take down wood paneling and install drywall in downstairs bathroom,
- install new medicine cabinet in downstairs bathroom,
- possibly relocate downstairs bathroom entrance
and create extra closet-space in the process,
- finish front patio
(railings & balusters, replace arch fascia, bead-board ceiling,
install lighting, install a mailbox instead of the heat-thieving mail slot),
- get the water softener to work,
- lay down new coating on garage & sun-room roofs,
- have breaker box brought into better working order,
- replace ugly drywall in garage & paint it,
- run better electricity to garage,
- improve garage door openers
(we have two garage doors: one has no in-garage button
and only opens & closes from use of car remote,
the other has no car remote, and only opens and closes
from use of in-garage button),
- finish the inside of two closets upstairs,
- possibly finish the attic,
- improve front yard landscaping,
- put vegetable garden in back yard,
- plant fruit trees & bushes.
[in the basement we have a movie room with a media room behind that, a laundry room, and a man room – tools & gun-cleaning, and there’s a storage room at the end of the man room, we call this the cave]
- run lighting into “the cave”,
- have sump-pump installed in corner of man-room
- everything else I forgot to mention

Since I started this blog after having already done a lot of work, the first few articles will be of projects I did when we first moved in, then the rest I will post as I'm learning. This should be interesting!

February 28, 2010

Christian Doctrines Chapter 5 - The Deity of Christ

In the previous chapter, we learned about the doctrine of the Trinity as learned from the Holy Bible. The doctrine of The Trinity is surprisingly a controversial doctrine. Why? Well, most religions concede to God’s deity, But stumble on the deity of Christ and the Holy Spirit. Many will say if we’ve discussed the fact that Christ and the Holy Spirit are divine by studying the doctrine of the Trinity, then there needs to be no further discussion on the Deity of Christ, or that Christ is divine. However, this is of great importance! We would not be CHRISTians without Christ! The basis of Christianity is Christ’s deity. Without it there would be no saving value in Christ’s mediation. Suffice to say, upon the Deity of Christ rest "a whole lot"!

Before we get into proofs that establish that Christ is divine, let’s present some considerations, to induce a higher appreciation for the truths we’ll visit later on.

1. Christ, in both old and new testaments, is represented as acting the part of Substitute for those he came to save.
Isaiah 53:5-6
Matthew 20:28
John 10:11
Galatians 3:13
These scriptures plainly teach that Christ came to take the place for those he saves. He was the substitute of those who are saved by him, and we are saved through his mediation.

2. If Christ is not divine, he could not have taken the place of sinners, so as to make atonement for their sins. One creature cannot take the place for another. All that any creature can do is due to God. Let’s Suppose hypothetically that Christ is a created being. Take the Arian view, 1st expressed in the fourth century. Christ was the most exalted of beings, next to God, but “There was a time when the Son was not.” Arius refused to accord to the Son the attribute of eternity, and there cannot be deity without eternity of existence. IF true, then it follows that Christ was personally bound to serve God the creator. This scenario would have imposed on him personal obligations, rendering it impossible to act in the room of others. Creatureship and substitution are not consistent with each other.
Mark 12:30
This is the law which extends jurisdiction over all creatures. If ALL the creature’s strength is to be exerted in the love and service of God on account of the creature’s personal relation to the creator, then there is no remaining strength to be used in any other way. IF Jesus was merely a created being, he must act for himself alone. It is plain, therefore, that if Christ is not divine, then he could not have taken the place of sinners, so as to die for them and make atonement for their sins.

3. If Christ were a created being, and could have taken the place of sinners, suffering in their stead, there would not have been saving merit in his sufferings. If the previous consideration was wrong, that is that he could in fact claim substitution, it would not have any saving value. We have different types of creatures here on earth, but we are substantially one. One creation. Compared to God, our diversities quickly disappear! If one creature fails to meet his obligations to God, How can another creature atone for the failure by satisfying the law which has been violated? There must be merit to satisfy the claims of God’s law. But where is merit to be found in anything a creature can do?
Luke 17:10
When creatures have done all required of them, Jesus teaches them to say “We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was out duty to do.” On the belief that Christ - as a mere creature - died for our sins, what saving merit could there be in his blood? When creatures deserve perdition (everlasting punishment in Hell), could the death of another creature effect their salvation? NO! There is an absence of merit. There can only be merit if it is found in a being in whom the divine element supplies it.

With these considerations, it is clear that Christ, unless divine, could have done nothing in the matter of Human Salvation. He could not have taken substitution of our sins, and had that been possible, he could not have saved us! Without Christ’s deity, there is no hope for any sinner. The Word who in the beginning was with God, was God. The eternal word, the second person in the Trinity, was above law. He was free from the obligations of creatureship. He was at his own disposal, and could, if so inclined, place himself under a law enacted for the government of creatures.
Galatians 4:4-5
Christ was sent, and he was put under the rule of the Law. To be put under the law, he had to have been first above the law. Christ obeyed the law in his life on earth and suffered its penalty in his death. The divine nature in the twofold constitution of his persons imparted infinite worth to his obedience and sufferings. The law was magnified and made honorable. A way was opened for the consistent exercise of mercy in the salvation of the guilty. This was done if Christ was divine, But on no other belief.

These have been some logical conclusions based on common sense and the Bible. The following are some more prominent proofs of Christ’s deity.

1. Divine names are given to Him.
In some old testament passages, the writers referring to God give Him certain names, which New Testament writers applied to Christ.
Psalm 45:6
Hebrews 1:8
Here, the writer argues for the pre-eminent dignity of Christ by showing his superiority to Angels. This teaches an equality with God “Thy throne, O God.”

The 6th chapter of Isaiah records a wonderful vision. He saw the lord “High and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.” He saw the 6-winged seraphim, heard them call with reverential awe “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.” In the 12th chapter 41st verse of John’s Gospel, this prophet’s vision is referred to. John, speaking of Christ, says “These things said Esaias, when he saw the glory and spake of him”.
Isaiah 40:3
John the Baptist said this of himself in John 1:23
Malachi 3:1
Mark 1:2-3
In the Old Testament, the way of the Lord is the way of Jehovah. In the New Testament, the way of the Lord is the way of Jesus. Therefore, The Jehovah of the old testament is the Jehovah-Jesus of the new testament.

Does this mean that Jesus has replaced God the Father? Absolutely not! There are MANY passages in the Bible where Jesus prays to God the Father, and there are a good amount of instances where Christ and God the Father are depicted in a scene together: At Jesus' baptism, on the Mount of Transfiguration, etc. etc...

Now, we’ll examine some verses from the New Testament to support the deity of Christ.
John 1:1-2
“in the beginning” no doubt means the same as it does in Genesis 1:1. Before the creation occurred, the word was then with him. By the word, is meant the being who became incarnate.
John 1:14
John 17:5
No more argument is necessary!
John 20:28
The apostle Thomas expressed his incredulity in terms unreasonably strong, but when Jesus proves himself, Thomas exclaims “My Lord and my God!” It’s good to notice that Jesus did not disclaim the titles given, but recognized their propriety.

In the ninth chapter of Romans, Paul refers to the Israelite’s advantages. Verse 5: “of whom, as concerning the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever.” The words “as concerning the flesh” are very important here. They teach the descent of Christ, how he came, as to his human nature. But the language to follow shows him to be divine: “…is over all, God blessed, for ever.” Only a divine being can be “over all”

1 Timothy 3:16
“God was manifest in the flesh”
Some will debate on the translation of this; they like to replace ‘who’ for ‘god’. This would make the verse read thus: “And confessedly great is the mystery of godliness in him who was manifested in the flesh.” Whichever view is taken, there is a manifestation in the flesh and the manifestation of a being. The word translated God in the KJV version of this passage is the Greek Theos, which can't be skewed to mean anything other than GOD! The churches which teach against the deity of Christ have gone so far as to change the wording of their Bible through translations. This includes the NIV, the NASB, and a few others. Click the link to the previous Bible verse and use the website's drop-down menu to switch between Bible versions to see for yourself! What does this say for the people who deny Christ's divinity? If they have to change the words of the Bible which promote Christ's divinity, they have literally been caught sweeping the evidence under the rug!

Charles H. Spurgeon (not sure I agree with everything he wrote about doctrinally, but this is pretty good): “There is very little occasion for fighting about this matter, for if the text does not say ‘God was manifest in the flesh,’ who does it say was manifest in the flesh? Either a man, or an angel, or a devil. Does it tell us that a man was manifest in the flesh? Assuredly that cannot be its teaching, for every man is manifest in the flesh, and there is no sense whatever in making such a statement concerning mere man, and then calling it a mystery. Was it an angel, then? But what angel was ever manifest in the flesh? And if he were, would it be at all a mystery that he should be ‘seen of angels’? Is it a wonder for an angel to see an angel? Can it be that a devil was manifest in the flesh? If so, he has been ‘received up into glory,’ which, let us hope, is not the case. Well, if it was neither a man, nor an angel, nor a devil, who was manifest in the flesh, surely he must have been God; and so, if the word be not there, the sense expressed by our grand old version: God himself was manifest in the flesh.” Certainly, this case is closed!

Moving on, to another passage in which Christ is called God
1 John 5:20
Christ is not only designated God, but the TRUE God, and Eternal Life
1 John 1:2
Eternity of life is being credited to Christ. Christ is the author of eternal life. If so, he is divine, because God alone can give eternal life to creatures. The scriptures call Christ God, because he is God.

2. Divine attributes belong to Christ
Remember chapter 3, “The Attributes of God”? Well we’ve just learned that the names applied to God are also applied to Christ. The force of this argument will be seen in Christ’s possession of divine attributes.

a. Eternity
Micah 5:2
This refers to Christ, and that can be proved by
Matthew 2:6
The ruler is to ‘come out of Bethlehem’, or be born there. But also been ‘from of old, from everlasting.’ There is a clear two-fold intimation of the person of the Messiah.
John 17:5
This speaks of the time Christ shard with the Father before the creation. The ‘glory before the world was’ must have been an eternal glory. As the glory of a being implies his existence, His eternal glory implies his eternal existence.

b. Omniscience
To know all things is a divine prerogative (priviledge).
1 Chronicles 28:9
Acts 15:8
1 John 3:20
These things are true of God and also of Christ.
John 21:17
Acts 1:24
The term Lord here refers to Christ, designated “Heart knower”
Revelation 2:23
The best proof of Christ’s omniscience is in Christ’s own words:
Matthew 11:27
The knowledge written about is peculiarly divine. As Christ is in possession of it in common with the father, the deity of the son is undeniable.

c. Omnipresence
In the chapter on the attributes of God, we read
Psalms 139:7-12
God is everywhere. In talking with Nicodemus,
John 3:13
While his bodily presence was on earth, his essential presence was in heaven.
Matthew 18:20
Matthew 28:20
Presence everywhere here is implied.

d. Omnipotence
Christ possesses almighty power. In the exercise of power, he claimed equality with the Father. “For what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.”
Isaiah 9:6
“The Mighty God.” Even while on earth in the days of his humiliation, his superhuman power was recognized. Winds and waves obeyed him. Disease loosed its grasp at his bidding. Death and the grave were in haste at his word. Surely Christ is almighty, and therefore divine.

e. Immutability
Malachi 3:6
The form of expression here denotes that unchangeableness is proof of Christ’s divinity.
Hebrews 1:10-12
Hebrews 13:8
Changes belong to things and creatures. That is how the divine attributes as applied to Christ correctly claims his divinity.

3. Christ is represented as performing divine works
No physical act displays omnipotence more strikingly than the work of The Creation. Making something out of nothing is exclusively the work of God. If Christ has not exerted creative power, then his divinity is lacking. We all know his divinity is NOT lacking, those of us who are saved especially! So what sayeth the scriptures? Let’s go back to John, speaking about the word being with god that was God. We’ve established that this is speaking of Christ. Consider the third verse:
John 1:3
The universal and the specific are fully expressed here. “All things were made by him” –that’s the universal. “without his was not anything [literally, one thing] made”- that’s the specific. Nothing rises above “All things” and nothing falls below “one thing”. Every created object is embraced here, in this inspired account of creation, and the omnipotent work is ascribed to Christ.
Colossians 1:16
Who but a divine being has created all things? Christ is God!

The work of preservation is also the work of Christ.
Colossians 1:17
Things stand together because of the will of Christ. Things are kept in place by he who made them. Things would fall to pieces, they’d disintegrate, if Christ were not conserver as well as creator.
Hebrews 1:3
There’s a sustaining power in His will. The universe rests on the word of Christ’s power.

Resurrection of the dead
Only omnipotence can reanimate the dust of the countless millions in the grave.
John 5:28-29
Philippians 3:21
This refers to the resurrection of the saints (anyone saved), and teaches three things: The vile body (the body of our humiliation) is to be changed; That it is to be conformed to the glorious body of Christ; And that this is done by the power of Christ. These are just three of Christ’s divine works, and they each sufficiently prove Christ’s deity.

4. Christ is the Object of Worship
What is worship? In translation of Bible, the word worship is used in 2 senses, a lesser sense and a greater sense. In the lesser sense is civil respect and deference
Luke 14:10
The term in this sense is now obsolete. We don’t use the term worship to mean “exalt” or “compliment”. The greatest scriptural sense of “worship” is to denote adoration paid to God simply because he is God. We have it on Jesus’ authority, while he was repelling one of Satan’s temptations:
Matthew 4:10
Here, it teaches that worship belongs exclusively to God. If it can be shown in the scriptures that Christ is the object of worship, then the doctrine of Christ’s divinity will be established.
John 5:23
No one will deny honor to the Father. Equal honor here is claimed for the Son. This honor surely implies worship. The first Christians were designated as those who called on the name of the Lord.
1 Corinthians 1:2
To call upon the name of the Lord is to invoke his name. This is prayer! Prayer is an act of worship. -That’s not all! Calling upon the name of the lord is inseparably connected with salvation!
Romans 10:13
The lord has the power to save. Not only did the first Christians call upon his name in worship and service during life, but also in death, the invoked his name and committed their departing spirits into his hands. Stephen is the most conspicuous illustration of this.
Acts 7:59
This translation is correct. There is no word in the Greek text we could translate here as corresponding to God, rather than Jesus. Jesus was invoked. “Lord Jesus, receive me spirit!” The first Christian martyr, the dying martyr, recognized the deity of his Lord.
Hebrews 1:6
It is a command of The eternal Father, that the Lord Jesus is worshipped by saints and angels. Saints on earth worship him, and saints in heaven:
Revelation 5:9
John heard this exalted song, and then he heard the angels:
Revelation 5:12
While the angels make no reference to personal redemption, as do the saints, the angels fully recognize the worthiness of the Lamb slain. Christ is worshipped by saints and angels, on earth and in heaven, and He accepts the worship. Peter was utterly unwilling to receive worship from Cornelius.
Acts 10:26
Paul and Barnabas rent (tore) their clothes (outward anguish), at the very intimation that sacrifices were to be made or offered to them.
Acts 14:14-18
When John was impressed by the Angel, and fell down to worship, mistaking the angel for the Lord of angels, the angel rebuked him, telling him not to worship anyone but the Lord.
Revelation 22:9
Apostles on earth would not receive worship, neither would angels in heaven. Jesus accepted worship on earth and in heaven. Why? Because he knew himself to be the proper object of worship. Christ is God!

In closing, to prove once and for all the absurdity to deny the deity of Christ: Those that deny it mostly will say that Christ is not God, but is the best of men. This is absurd! Either Christ is God, or he was the WORST of men! Let me explain: If he was not God, then he was such an imposter, such a blasphemer, as the world never saw! He claimed for himself divine honors and divine worship.
Matthew 10:37
Luke 14:26
‘Hate’, a strong word to use these days; here in the scriptures it is meaning 'to love less', and rather to love Christ more. Think of it! Here is a man – if Jesus were merely a man – who requires husbands to love him more than their wives, wives to love him more than their husbands, parents and children to love him more than each other, and everybody to love him more than life itself! He orders that in baptism his name shall be used between the Father and the Holy Spirit, that his death shall be commemorated till the end of the world, that repentance and remission of sins shall be preached through him, and says that he will come in the clouds of heaven on the last day, raise the dead and judge the world, will welcome the righteous into the kingdom of glory, consign the wicked to eternal perdition, and will then be the light and joy of the New Jerusalem. Imagine a prophet or apostle asserting such claims and saying such things. Would not the presumption and the blasphemy be intolerable? They are just as intolerable in the case of Jesus Christ if he weren’t divine! This is the glory of the system of Christianity, That its author is divine. His deity is essential to the value of his atoning sacrifice, and is essential to his ability to save. We know him to be divine by the teachings of the Bible, and the fellowship of his presence in the hearts of those of us who are saved.

February 21, 2010

Christian Doctrines Chapter 4 - The Trinity

Before we get to the 'meat & potatoes' of the arguments in favor of the doctrine of the trinity, here are some arguments ‘against’ the doctrine:

In the New Testament, Jews are described as rejecting Jesus' claims to divinity. They accuse him of blasphemy. In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus forgives a man's sins and some Jewish teachers thought to themselves: "Why does this fellow talk like that? He's blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?" In the Gospel of John, some Jews began to stone Jesus, explaining that they did so "for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God." Today, Jewish counter-missionary movements "Jews for Judaism" seek to educate Jews about why belief in the Trinity is incompatible with Judaism.

Arianism is an anti-Trinitarian belief system originated by Arius, an elder in the Alexandrian church in the early fourth century AD. Arius affirmed the uniqueness of God and denied the complete divinity of the Son (Christ). He taught instead that Christ was a created and changeable being, who, while superior to humans, is not of the same order as the one God.

the Koran explicitly denies the doctrine of the Trinity. For the purposes herein, it is thankfully not necessary that the content of the Koran be given reference.

Jehovah's Witnesses
Jehovah’s Witnesses are a self-proclaimed Christian group founded in the United States. Their teachings reject the doctrine of the Trinity. Instead, they teach a doctrine similar to that of Arius. They claim that Christ is the Son of God, a special being created by God before the beginning of time, but not equal with God. Jehovah’s Witnesses regard Arius as a forerunner of Charles Taze Russell, their movement's founder. A Jehovah's Witness brochure entitled "Beliefs and Customs that God Hates" includes the Trinity, saying: “Is Jehovah a Trinity-three persons in one God? No! Jehovah, the Father, is "the only true God." (John 17:3; Mark 12:29) Jesus is His firstborn Son, and he is subject to God. (1 Corinthians 11:3) The Father is greater than the Son. (John 14:28) The holy spirit is not a person; it is God's active force.(Genesis 1:2; Acts 2:18).” They’ve got the verses right, but they’re taking them completely out of context! Is Jesus subject to God the Father? Yes, he is! Is he any less holy? No! Consider a husband & wife relationship. According to the Bible, the wife is to subject to the leadership of her husband (contingent on the husband’s subjecting to the will of Christ). Does the wife’s subjecting role make her any less a spouse? No! Roles within the trinity, just as within a human family, are different in office; not in importance.

Mormonism (LDS)
Mormons believe that the Godhead is made up of three distinct beings which are "one in purpose" but not one in being. Jesus is affirmed as Son of God, but not God himself.
They believe He is a created spirit, not an eternal spirit.

"Unitarianism" is the doctrine of the oneness of God, with the resultant denial of the Trinity. Today, the doctrine of unitarianism is expressed by the Unitarian Universalist Association and similar groups, which have their historical roots in sixteenth-century eastern Europe. Historically, Unitarian Universalists are defined by their rejection of the Trinity and their belief in the ultimate salvation of all humanity. Today, however, Unitarians draw from a variety of religious traditions, and do not focus on doctrine and creeds as much as love and justice between human beings. Because of this de-emphasis on doctrine, modern Unitarian Universalist arguments against the Trinity are scarce. However, the official Web site of the Unitarian Univeralist Association describes the early history of their beliefs this way: “During the first three centuries of the Christian church, believers could choose from a variety of tenets about Jesus. Among these was a belief that Jesus was an entity sent by God on a divine mission. Thus the word "Unitarian" developed, meaning the oneness of God. Another religious choice in the first three centuries of the Common Era (CE) was universal salvation. This was the belief that no person would be condemned by God to eternal damnation in a fiery pit. Thus a Universalist believed that all people will be saved. Christianity lost its element of choice in 325 CE when the Nicene Creed established the Trinity as dogma. For centuries thereafter, people who professed Unitarian or Universalist beliefs were persecuted.”

On to the Biblical arguments FOR the doctrine of the Trinity:

How many times is the word “Trinity” in the Bible? This is a trick question; the answer is ‘None’! So we’ve got a doctrine depending on an idea from the Bible with no definitive word for a label. How do we know there is a trinity if the word trinity isn’t mentioned?! Atheists & evolutionists have jumped to a conclusion, seeing this as an apparent weakness for the doctrine. They say “Dinosaurs have been proven to exist, but are not mentioned in the Bible. Therefore, the Bible must be fallible.” Unsound churches explain it away by saying “The Trinity is proven to exist by studying the Bible, but is not mentioned by name. Therefore, the doctrine must be wrong.” How can we reconcile these misinformed arguments with the truth from the Bible? We know dinosaurs have existed, and it needs to be understood that the Bible does NOT argue against the notion. Dinosaurs are simply not named. Is broccoli mentioned in the Bible? Nerd’s note: In the Book of Job there the Behemoth and Leviathan (giant animals) named and described, and the descriptions given sound a LOT like a brachiosaurus and a Plesiosaur, but that’s a future lesson!

The Bible teaches the unity of God: There is one and only one god. The Bible also teaches a distinction of persons within the Godhead. This distinction is threefold. We have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The word ‘Trinity’ is not in the bible,
But the DOCTRINE of the Trinity IS.

Trinity, definition from Webster’s Dictionary: The union of three persons (the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit) in one Godhead, so that all three are one God as to substance, but three persons as to individuality.

The word person in that definition is unique, not used in same manner anywhere else… In the Trinity, a person of the godhead is different from a person of mankind, the humble creation. For mankind, one person is one being, and three persons are three beings. For the Godhead, there are three persons, and ONE being. This is one of the many things about God which are beyond human comprehension. The doctrine of the Trinity is received as true on the authority of the Bible. If someone asks why we believe in the Trinity, an acceptable answer might be “I receive its existence as fact, because I believe that the scriptures reveal the fact.”

To illustrate an incomprehensible idea using simple analogies: An egg is the yoke, the white, and the shell, but all three make one egg. A peach has the skin, the meat, and the pit (seed). All three make one peach. It’s interesting also to notice the trinity of trinities in the first verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning”: time: past, present future. “God created the heaven”: space: length, width, depth. “And the earth”: matter: liquid, solid, gas. This is a blessing to see that the words God starts the Bible out with introduce the idea of trinities! What is meant by the definition of the word ‘Trinity’ is everywhere in the Bible.

We know that in the Old Testament, when God Speaks referencing himself, the plural number is used.
Genesis 1:26
Genesis 3:22
Genesis 11:7
Isaiah 6:8
It’s a fact, there is a plurality speaking for itself as one voice. This fact will be distinctly revealed in the New Testament.
Matthew 28:19
“In the name”, not names, “of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
The ordinance of Baptism is connected to each of the three. There is an equality in nature and divinity. The deity of the Father is accepted by any who believe in God. An equality within the Trinity implies an equal divinity of the Son & the Holy Spirit. The Son and Holy Spirit can’t possibly be angels or archangels, or any other creatures created by God. The Creation (universe and everything included) is not equal, it is not divine. The conjunction of the names mentioned in Baptism is so important. The validity of Baptism is inseparable from it.

Some believe in the deity of the Father and Son, But suppose the Holy Spirit to be an energy or influence. Baptize in the name of an energy or influence? That’s absurd! The last commission of Christ included a reference to persons; not energies or influences.

2 Corinthians 13:14
This is known as “The Apostolic Benediction”. It is an invocation –calling upon for presence – of the three members of the Trinity. The doctrine of the Trinity here is distinct. The love of God is invoked, the grace of Christ and the Communion of The HS are invoked. These two are invoked in immediate connection with the Love of God. They are the same in substance, and equal in glory. IF the names of Gabriel and Michael are put in place of Son and HS, this would be a blasphemous substitution for one thing! To elevate even the highest order of creation to equality w/ God. However, invoked together are: The Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, as well as the Father. This shows the equality of the three persons of the Trinity.

Ephesians 2:18
Here, the three persons are referred to. This passage confirms the doctrine of the Trinity.

Revelation 1:4-5
Seven was the perfect number among the Jews. We understand by “The Seven Spirits”, the Holy Spirit in his plentitude of gifts, in the completeness and diversity of his beneficent operations. If this is right, special attention is to be given to the fact that grace and peace are sought from the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ, as well as from He “which was, which is, and which is to come” which implies existence from eternity to eternity - God. Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are once again named in conjunction with God, indicating equality of divinity.

An argument in favor of doctrine of trinity:
The King James Bible gives use to personal pronouns “I, Thou, He”. God, referring to himself uses “I, Mine, and Me.”
“As I live, saith the Lord.”
“I am the Lord.”
“All souls are mine.”
“Every beast of the forest is mine.”
“Besides me there is no Saviour.”
“Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts.”
Also, Father and Son say to each other “Thou, Thee and Thine”
“Thou art my Son ; This day have I begotten thee.”
“Thou hast loved righteousness”
“As thou hast given him power over all flesh”
“All mine are thine, and thine are mine.”
The Holy Spirit is referred to as “He and Him”
“But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in
my name, he shall teach you all things.”
“He shall glorify me.”
The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father and Son. Neither the Son nor the Holy Spirit sent the Father. The Son became flesh and died. But this cannot be said of the Father or the Holy Spirit. A threefold distinction of persons is obvious. This both justifies and requires the names of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This distinction does not conflict the Unity (one-ness) of God. The three are one in substance, but three in individuality. This truth presents a unity in the Trinity. There is equality of nature, but inequality of office. They are equal in nature and in essential glory, the Son and the Holy Spirit are in some part inferior to Father. The Father is supreme in office. The Son and the Holy Spirit act in subordination to Him. God the Father sent his son into the world. He who is sent is inferior to him who sends.
Matthew 12:18
The Son is the servant of the Father. The servant is subordinate to the master. Christ said again and again: “I came to do the will of him that sent me.” Doing the will of another denotes inferiority. Christ, in doing the will of the Father, appears as his inferior. This inferiority is in office, not nature. The subordination is official, it does not touch the divine substance. Likewise, with the Holy Spirit: God the Father says “I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh” The Father is said to “Give the Holy Spirit” Jesus says “The Comforter whom I will send unto you”. This references an inequality in office. But there is all along the most beautiful equality in nature.

To illustrate:
The President of The United States of America is superior in office to any and every US man & woman. No one aspires to become his equal. But in nature, every citizen of his republic is his equal. We possess the same human nature.

Some people get all hung up on the issue of the Bible teaching there is only one God. No where does the Bible state God is only one person. They’ll recite the following:
Deuteronomy 6:4.
The word for one there is the Hebrew word Echad, one in unity, not in number! See elsewhere in the Bible where this word Echad is used:
Genesis 2:24 (‘one’)
Ezra 2:64 (‘together’)
Ezekiel 37:17 (‘another’)
The Bible teaches there is one Church but many members. There are no problems with understanding this, and when it comes to the Trinity, we should be just as open to this concept.