The first words of bible talk about Creation, and the existence of God. The existence of God is assumed, taken for granted; not attempted to be proven. Here’s one of the examples set by Moses: not to be wise above what is written. The eternal/infinitesimal existence of God is our greatest mystery. Neither man nor angel can comprehend eternity/infinity. One cannot measure Infinity with finite minds. It's like measuring the universe with a yard stick.
Job 11:7-9
While this verse in Job may seem to skeptics to disallow any learning & keep us away from searching & studying, we must remember:
1 Peter 3:15
we’re to know why we have faith (not just because mom & dad do), but we are never to doubt the very existence of God. We should not get lost in vain wonder, but should be open minded to the truth. As always, intent is of great importance. Peter writes that we should know more for the benefit of others. If you're saved, you're soul is secured for good. Now, you should mature as a Christian and study to explain how to get saved to everyone else! Vain wonderings are discouraged, because they are nothing but prideful self fulfillment. "Look how much I know... Look how smart I am."
Romans 11:36
It may be the greatest mystery, But how many things can be accounted for only if there is a God; not understood under any other condition? Where did man come from? Where did the earth come from? Where did the universe come from? There are many theories which attempt to answer these questions without God, But all are hopeless. They are hopeless because they are without God. Philosophers say that from one truth, all reasoning must proceed. These are called “First Truths”. Belief in God is the Christian’s 'first truth'. If asked “why do you believe in God?” One answer may be “it is in accordance with the constitution of our human minds.” If the answer isn’t good enough for the skeptic asking, no other answer can be given. Causes produce effects, and effects proceed from causes. All causes and effects link to one main source of power. This reasoning is finite (measurable by man, having a definite beginning & end or start & finish), we can measure it. Tracing effects and causes as far as possible is part of what drives many of us. If we were to trace all effects through all causes, we’ll end up with our “First Cause” being God. God is absolutely independent of any cause. He is the “un-caused cause”, the "unknown God".
We have the capacity to believe in God
Romans 1:19-20
Paul refers to heathens who worship idols. All who don’t believe in God should know better. We all know enough of God to render any idolatry inexcusable. Where does this knowledge come from? It comes from experiencing the works of creation (looking around).
This knowledge came to all ages “from the creation of the world” (from = since). All periods since creation, man has been able to believe in God. We have always been able to recognize eternal power. When we look around at the creation all around us, we see power, because something was made from nothing.
God’s power is personal.
We hear figures of speech like "power of wealth", "power of government", "Gravitational or magnetic power", "power of nature". The power of wealth and government are of men,
but the power of nature (creation) is of God. Power comes from mind or spirit, not matter (tangible things). Tracing the links of where power comes from originally,
David in Psalms 62:11 “Power belongeth unto God.”
Example of man's power in mind, not matter:
Man’s 'sphere of will' is his mind over his own body. If we want a cup of coffee, we can’t make it appear in our hand with our mind (although that would be pretty cool). But there is nothing in between our mind’s will and our body. Just by thinking, we can will our hands/arms to move around & grasp tools & materials, and grind coffee and pour the drink. we will our muscles to move us.
Example of God's power in spirit, not matter:
God’s sphere of will is over entire universe; over all creation. 'Let there be light'; there was light. Nothing in between god’s will and creation (including us!). God is infinite, coming in immediate contact with all universe, just as our mind is in immediate contact with any part of our body from wiggling our toes to blinking our eyes, only to an infinitely greater scale! God is able by will alone to effect all possible changes.
There is a God.
This fact explains many things that would be otherwise inexplicable. The mind finds satisfaction in this fact. This fact disapproves of fate (all things have always existed). This fact disapproves of chance (fate is ridiculed, big bang as first cause). Fate & Chance are opposites, but they similarly exclude God from the universe. If there is no god, then all the many indications of intelligent design are unaccountable. There is plenty evidence for adaptation. The World is adapted to man and animals; Man and animals are adapted to suit earth. We have soil and plant life. We have lungs and air. Birds fitted for air, fishes fitted for sea.
Evolutionists look at earth's many various lifeforms and see that we are all made of amino acids, DNA, the same basic composite chemicals, chromosomes, etc... They use this evidence to say that one must have come from the other; that we all must be somehow related from one main ancestor. Nothing could be less provable! The living things on this earth, and the plants, are all adapted to each other all the way down to the molecule. Did you know, that if we weren't all made out of the same basic 'stuff', we wouldn't be able to eat each other?! Well technically we would, but my point is, we wouldn't get any nutrition from eating each other. Animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, viruses, etc... are all able to live off each other simply because we're all made out of the same basic 'stuff'! If we were all made out of completely different 'stuff', we would all die because we wouldn't have anything to nourish ourselves with! Without getting into the chemistry of how we digest things, it'd be like trying to eat gravel. Creatures & plants obviously can't survive by restoring energy through sleep, sun and water alone... The use of the same 'stuff' is just as evident of an intelligent designer. Motorcycles and cars both use spark plugs, fuel for gas, and rubber wheels. Does this mean they both evolved from a skateboard three billion years ago?! No, it's proof of a common designer using the same stuff for materials!
Everywhere and everything shows intelligence in design. These are not properties of matter, but attributes of spirit. Where intelligence is, there is intelligent design. Where design is, there is a designer. God is the designer, creator and ruler of all things. The most obvious indication of design is the perpetuity of the Human race. We have two genders, roughly equal in number (except in cultures forcing a difference in ratio). This is no accident! In the Bible, the Basis of the marriage relation contemplates human happiness, social order, and continuance of the race. It shows a purpose. This purpose is affecting condition of Human race. This purpose is affecting existence of Human race. There is an intelligent and almighty Purposer.
Hebrews 1:10-12
meet the family
13 years ago
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