What Must I Do To Be Saved?
Acts 16:27-31
Ask someone if they’re going to Heaven when they die. There are so many people who say they hope they’re going, they’d like to think they are, and some are even so proud as to say of course they are, it’s not like they’re murderers or something…! Did you know that the Bible says we should KNOW, 100%, without any ego, that we’re going to Heaven if we truly are saved? What is written about in this letter is strictly WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES, and NOTHING MORE. The Bible’s teachings are sufficient to lead us to a true heart-felt salvation. Every topic in this letter is followed by a group of multiple Bible verses which show where the teachings come from. I can’t emphasize enough that there is no teaching herein which does not originate from the Bible! This isn’t presented as a “follow these steps and you’ll be saved” pamphlet by any means. This is simply presented as a list of things that 1) anyone who has been truly saved can bear witness with, and 2) helps to illustrate how ‘off-base’ the “accept Christ theology” is.
1) Conviction
2) Drawing of your Heart
3) Humble Your Heart
4) Repentance
5) God’s Forgiveness
6) God’s Gift of Salvation
7) Two Natures of Man
8) Fruit of the Spirit
9) Life in the Spirit
10) Let no Man Deceive You
The Holy Spirit uses the Gospel of Christ to bring deep conviction upon your Soul. Conviction is when you experience the terrible feeling of being separated from God. The state of being lost; without God; without hope. As soon as you feel conviction upon your heart, you should seek God for Salvation (you can be sure this feeling is of God, not the Devil. Satan would not give you an urge to seek God).
Acts 9:5
II Corinthians 7:10
Psalms 34:18
Drawing of your Heart
After conviction has been acknowledged, the Holy Spirit draws your heart to God, or Father. Without Conviction, there can be no Salvation. You cannot make yourself be saved. Only God can do this. You must completely submit yourself to God and allow him to do all the work. No human can interfere. Only God knows your heart. When asked about where they’re going when they die, I’ve heard some people say “I know where I’m going, I’ve made peace with God.” But we need to realize that this sentiment, while comforting, is misleading from what is necessary. A good response to this might be “But did God make Peace with you?”
John 6:44
John 6:65
Acts 16:14
Humble your Heart as a Little Child
Once you have suffered the pains of Conviction and you feel God drawing your heart, you must humble yourself as a little child. Little children are humble (yes, they are!). They depend on others to teach them & build them up as people, and likewise you depend on God to teach you and change you. Only when you realize that you can do nothing for God, that he is the one behind the wheel, will you become truly humble. Upon jumbling your heart, you must repent (feel sorry and ill) of your sins and your sin of unbelief.
Matthew 18:1-6
Luke 18:9-18
There can be no Salvation without true repentance, and there can be no true repentance without truly humbling yourself. God sees right through you. God knows your heart, and he expects a complete unreserved trust in him. First you must repent. Repentance is to regret, to feel sorry for with great Godly sorrow, to be sorry to God with much hurt inside, to feel disgust at your sins which are weighing you down, to ask for forgiveness. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, mind and soul.
Luke 15:7
Acts 3:19
Acts 8:22
Acts 17:30
Matthew 3:2
Luke 13:3
God’s Forgiveness (Mercy)
When you have truly repented to God, he will forgive you of all your sins. You can only truly repent if you are humble and sincere. God is a merciful God. He said he will cast our sins into the Sea of Forgetfulness. Jesus made this forgiveness possible by dying on the cross for our sins. Through the Blood of Christ, we are forgiven.
Exodus 34:6
Matthew 5:7
Ephesians 1:10
Micah 7:18-19
Luke 17
Matthew 18:21-35
God’s Gift of Salvation
God is truly a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. God grants his Gift of Salvation to those who have truly repented. When he does so, you will truly feel a salvation experience. He replaces a heart of stone with a heart of love, joy and peace. These feelings are truly heart-felt! The Holy Spirit will reveal it to you if you are saved. The Gift of Salvation is given by God, and God alone. No one can tell you that you are saved. It is an experience between you and God. Only God knows your heart. There is a witness (proof). God’s Spirit bears witness with your Spirit when you become one of his Children. His Spirit will let your Spirit know if you are saved.
As soon as you are saved, you become a member of the Family of God. The Devil will hone in on you like a hungry lion. Before you were saved, he doesn’t have to do a thing to win your soul when you die, you already are headed his way. But once you’re saved, his plan is to ruin your witness to others, to stop your salvation from spreading & influencing others around you. His first attack will be placing doubt in you regarding your new Salvation. If you feel doubt, the only thing you can do is pray “am I saved?” If you are truly saved, you will immediately feel almost silly for asking, as the love, joy and peace are refreshed!
God is all Powerful and all knowing; he doesn’t rely on someone else to tell you when you have been saved he does it himself! Salvation is God’s Gift through Christ to save our souls. It is a gift that we do not deserve, and we can do nothing to earn it.
Ephesians 2:8-9
Romans 3:23-24
Ezekiel 36:26
The Two Natures of Man
When God has granted you the wonderful gift of salvation, you will experience a conflict of two natures. Your outward being of flesh is your natural and carnal nature. It retains the carnal nature with its inclination (temptation) to sin. The Bible repeatedly warns us to resist the devil and his sinful influences. God’s chastisement, God’s punishment spent on his children (the saved) who give into the desires of flesh, feels terrible but is given as an expression of his love (tough love). God wants us to produce fruits of righteousness, but we cannot produce such fruits when we are living sinfully. When you are saved, your inward, Spiritual nature becomes opposed to your carnal nature. This opposition, or conflict, does not exist prior to salvation. Prior to salvation, your soul is not pure, but is harmonious to the outward carnal nature. When God saves us he changes our heart (soul) and seals it. Our heart cannot go back to its old ways, but our flesh can. Therefore, the conflict ensues. The Scriptures, however, advise us to walk in the Spirit so that we do not fulfill the lusts of our flesh.
Romans 7:14-19
John 3:6
Romans 3:10
I Corinthians 15:44
Galatians 5:17
James 1:13
Romans 7:10-25
Romans 5:11-21
Romans 6:1-13
I Corinthians 3
I Corinthians 15
Fruit of the Spirit
We are not saved by our works of righteousness (teaching about the Lord or following the Lord’s teachings), but our works of righteousness come from being saved. We are saved according to God’s mercy. When he saves us, God keeps our salvation. We are not in charge of it. Therefore, once we have passed all of God’s requirements (not man’s), we cannot lose our Salvation. His Spirit is with us forever. When we are saved, we are given eternal life. God paid the price for our sins through his Son. He convicts us, saves us, and keeps us by His power. Salvation changes people. Remember, a heart of stone to a heart of love, joy and peace. Love, joy and peace will make you feel different; new. These are fruits of the spirit. You actually change inside (your soul) when you are saved.
Galatians 5:22
Ephesians 5:1
Life In the Spirit
God’s Spirit brings life. He rescues us from the death of sin and breathes new life into us. God intended us to have a full life. Salvation provides us with that opportunity. The Scriptures tell us that we truly do not live until we are saved (John 10:10). In fact, the Bible says we are dead in sins when we are lost sinners (James 2:26, Ephesians 2:1-5)
Romans 8:16
II Corinthians 3:17
Romans 8:26
Romans 8:2
Romans 8:1-39
Let no Man Deceive you
The Bible speaks emphatically against the deceivers working in the world who deceive people straight into Hell. There are deceivers who say you can get saved simply by shaking the preacher’s hand, or by reciting a sinner’s prayer. Others tell you to “accept the Lord” Beware! Read what the scriptures say on this subject. The idea that we accept Jesus is WRONG. This would put us above him if it were true. “What can a beggar offer a king?” Every false church of the world has one thing in common: they take authority away from Jesus Christ and what he set up in the New Testament. We must humbly ask him into our heart when the Holy Spirit leads us. We cannot make a decision to become saved. Salvation is not a mental process; it is a heart-felt change that begins and ends with the Lord. These differences may sound like splitting hairs at first, but when you study the Scriptures you will find that there is a vast difference between what the Lord taught when he was here on earth and what a lot of people are teaching today. Let the Lord witness his truth to your heart. Remember, no one knows your heart but God. No one else has any authority over, through, or by God to tell you that you are saved. No one else even has the right to tell you how to be saved unless they simply tell you to seek the Lord. Others can pray with you or for you, but they cannot tell you how long to pray, what to pray, or if you have prayed enough. God will let you know when you have satisfied him. It is between you and God only.
I John 3:7
I John 4:1-4
Ephesians 5:6
Matthew 24:4-14
Matthew 18:6
Galatians 1:3-24
Galatians 1:3-8
meet the family
13 years ago
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